Steam humidifiers are said to be economical, however, because there is no
adiabatic cooling process, this does not have to be compensated !
Steam humidification
Steam humidification is perhaps the simplest method of humidification we know. Heating the water to boiling point produces steam. This steam will easily increase the humidity of the room without the need for all kinds of complicated systems.
Steam humidification distinguishes itself on the following points:
Steam humidifiers do not cause a temperature drop
From a bacteriological point of view, steam humidification is the most responsible
method of humidification.
Normally no additional water treatment is required
Easy to install
Steam humidifiers are said to be economical, however, because there is no
adiabatic cooling process, this does not have to be compensated
Can be placed in an air duct or directly in the room
No legionella management plan necessary because the steam already
Geen legionella beheersplan noodzakelijk omdat de stoom al desinfecterend werkt
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