Steam humidification at the office
Steam humidification at the office
Steam humidification is perhaps the oldest and most reliable form of humidification. Boiling water creates a natural evaporation process.
The big advantage is that only water vapor enters the air. Bacteria, minerals and salts will not evaporate and will therefore not be released into the air.
Elka Air supplies high quality electrode steam humidifiers. Our sterile and modulating humidifier uses highly reliable control and atmospheric pressure. This results in a virtually stepless regulation for an accurate result. Our steam humidifier is powered by simple tap water or softened water and can be controlled by the GBS or, if desired, stand alone.
The simple principle and simple installation make steam humidification particularly suitable for humidifying small air handling units. Due the steam already having all the necessary energy, after heating solutions are not necessary. The evaporation phase can also be extremely short. For this reason, we consider this humidification method to be the safest and most responsible method for humidifying residential homes via the WTW (balance ventilation) system.